Friday, January 31, 2014

My curtain project

Ok, so I have this window that faces my porch but when some one is on the porch you can see right into my living room. Also this is where I keep my cat's food so the dog can't reach it. Originally I had just a valance because I like the look but didn't like the non privacy issue, even though we are considered rural!
I realized I forgot it take to take a picture of how I actually sewing the "strings" on!  I made the rectangle and hemmed the one end so I could put the rod through.  I attached a half string to the front and back, one in the middle and one on either end. The end ones are about four inches from the ends.  

The picture above is one with the strings tied in bows, and the one below has the original valance over it. I used a double curtain rod.  I want to be able to tie it up when I want the window open and it also will allow my cat to sneak behind it when I want the curtain down but the window open!

Refurbished sweater to a toddler dress

I got the bright idea to take a sweater that I no longer wear, and downsize it to a
toddler sweater dress! What was I thinking?  No seriously if you know what you are doing, it 
tough at all!  I measured it against a dress she already has.  I cut the sleeves off 
and measured them against a shirt we already had. I sewed up the sides also. 
I did not hem the bottom or the sleeves.  It is still too big for her so it will be put
 away for next winter!  


Tuesday, January 28, 2014


So I decided to stop at Goodwill yesterday, and look at a few sweaters in the bins.  I had seen a post on Pinterest about making gloves out of a wool sweater. Thought that's what I bought! Lol oh well. Anyway, I measured the little one's hand and this is what I came up with. I will find out later today if they fit her or not. 
I pinned the material together first and then sewed it together. I cut it after sewing it.  They are far from perfect but it was fun and easy! I want to try this for me with a wool sweater. Will keep you posted.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Answered prayers for the day

Okay, so today has been an interesting one!  God has been amazing in answering little prayers!  For those of you who don't know, I am the librarian at our church.  I just processed about 20 books and put them into the library on Saturday.  I always put a list in the church mailboxes so people know what is new.  I put a little note saying I was looking for two books in particular to finish a series. So now you are thinking, okay big deal.  Well, on most Mondays I help sort books at our local thrift shop. Now this thrift shop is managed by someone I go to church with and a fair amount of the volunteers are also from our church.  Anyway, I was there today and was sorting a bunch of adult fiction books.  Woohoo! There were the two books I am missing and they are in great shape! 
Second answer prayer for the day...a few months ago I bought a pair of leather cowboy boots from a store that is about 10-12 miles from me. I called them this morning and told them I need to exchange them. When I got to the store, they had pulled the wrong ones for me to exchange with.  I had gotten boys boots, not the ladies due to the cost difference! Anyway, I went back to the shoe department and looked through the style I wanted. I found every size but what I needed. I asked the lady back there if by any chance she had the size I wanted, in the back. She came out with a smile and said she found the only pair in my size! Woohoo!

I had a great time with my grand daughter this afternoon, who is two!  She is a hoot. Emily is a very busy little girl who lives her "gamma"!  After Pappy got home from work, he decided to blow bubbles in the living room for her! His idea, not hers! Good thing we now have linoleum instead of a rug.  

Bible study was cancelled tonight due to the winds blowing the snow everywhere and black ice. We are studying the book "Unglued".  It is a great book to deal with your emotions and not have those blow up moments. Stay safe if you have to go out. Blessings to all!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Chocolate Chip bundt cake

Ok, so here is what is left of the cake I made yesterday.  I learned two things while making this scratch cake.  One, listen to the directions! Especially when it says, leave to cool in the pan for at least an hour! Two, grease and flour my older pans from now on, not just grease them!  The top of the cake stuck to the pan so I just sliced it up instead of leaving "pretty".  The recipe is over 30 years old, so there is nothing non-fat about it but of course that's what makes it taste better!  Enjoy the recipe and let me know what you think. Oh, and this isn't my recipe. I borrowed it from an old cookbook. Cooking time shows an hour but I was able to pull it out around 45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.   Baking time 1 hour.  (I checked it at 45 mins and it was finished)

1/3 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
3 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt  (I didn't add this, I never do)
1 c. milk
1 pkg. chocolate chips  (8 oz)
2 c. flour

Cream shortening and sugar; beat well and add one egg at a time.   Add vanilla and dry ingredients alternately with milk.  Bake in a greased bundt or angel food pan.  Allow to cool for 1 1/2 hours before putting on to a plate.   

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Baby surprise

This is two diapers rolled up to use for the arms of  the sleeper
Here are two diapers rolled up individually and used  in each upper sleeve.

This is an idea of what it will look like.

I tied two rolled diapers together, as mentioned 
Here are 7 diapers rolled up and tied to use for the  body. I did another roll for the head but used 6      diapers
Here is an idea what the end product will look like

Friday, January 10, 2014

Today's cleaning thought

Ok, so I was reading something today online and it was talking about 20 things you need to clean out now, today now.  It included old shoes and clothing you aren't wearing. How about extra those extra clothes the kiddos have outgrown?!  Or, asking your married children to finally get their furniture out of the basement or attic. I realized I have a ton of their stuff from school that I should take pictures of and put on a cd for them, or even make it into a book for them!  That would be cool for a Christmas gift.  I need to do a bit of that in the next day or two, along with a few other things. We have a funeral service coming up and it made me think about how much stuff I have here that I don't want my kiddos to have to clean out!  I guess the local thrift shop will be gifted all this stuff I don't want or can't use anymore.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year one and all!  My prayer for you is that you live for Jesus everyday, with all that you have. Enjoy life to the fullest, since none of us know what tomorrow brings.  Start everyday with a devotion...and yes this is for me also!  I find that my mind and emotions are in a much better place when I do that.  

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Galations 5.

Total change of subject here, but I will try to add a few pictures of some of the projects I have going on. I just made some pjs and am working on a baby blanket. Definitely need to get on the ball for a few more projects. Christmas will be here in a few months ya know!